Feliqs Corporation


Building a Unique Drug Discovery Platform to Detect ferroptosis

ferroptosis, newly reported in 2012, is cell death caused by the accumulation of lipid peroxides. In recent years, ferroptosis has been reported to be associated with many diseases such as cancer, Ischemia-reperfusion injury, and neurological disorders, and is being actively studied as a new drug discovery target. Feliqs, a startup from Kyushu University, has built a unique drug discovery screening platform using probes that detect lipid radical that lead to ferroptosis, and is proceeding with research and development as a unique pipeline.

Establishment Date
February 2019
Development of new therapeutic drugs using our original drug discovery screening platform
Representative DirectorKenichiro Ken-ichiro Kuninobu

KII’s Perspective

We have a drug discovery screening platform that focuses on ferroptosis, a newly discovered type of programmed cell death, and we expect to provide multiple new therapeutic drugs in areas with large unmet medical needs in existing treatments.

KII growth support

Financing assistance, Business strategy support, Business alliance support, Recruitment support, Public relations support, Appointment of directors
