Notice of Investment in xenodata lab.

Keio Innovation Initiative (KII) has invested in xenodata lab. (xenodata lab.), which develops a SaaS service called “xenoBrain” to predict the impact on corporate performance.
“xenoBrain” is a service that uses AI to automatically analyze the impact of past economic events on corporate profits based on the linkage of more than 300,000 articles from the Dow Jones and other sources over the past 10 years, and to forecast business performance. By visualizing the cause-and-effect relationship of economic news and combining it with the analysis results of financial statements and securities reports of listed companies, it is possible to predict what events will occur before and after an economic event and how the listed company’s business performance will change. To date, the system has been deployed to more than 10 companies, mainly major financial institutions, for the purpose of improving the efficiency of analysis operations of listed companies, among others.
Xenodata raises 780 million yen in funding from Keio, Dai-ichi Life, Leos Fujino, and others (xenodata lab.)