Development of the world's only RNA target drug discovery technology

CLOVERNA, the first startup from Kawasaki Medical School, is a bio-startup that will change the future by realizing high-precision and high-speed RNA drug discovery based on the world's only RNA target drug discovery technology. In recent years, non-coding RNA (ncRNA) has been found to play an important role in elucidating the causes of cancer development, malignant transformation, metastasis, and diseases caused by the accumulation of abnormal proteins such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and dilated cardiomyopathy. However, various issues have made it difficult to analyze the functions of ncRNA. CLOVERNA's technology enables the functional analysis of ncRNAs and the recognition of drug discovery targets, and is expected to create new treatment opportunities for these intractable diseases.

Establishment Date
May 2020
Drug development utilizing proprietary RNA target drug discovery technology
Tatsuo Ito, President and CEO

KII’s Perspective

The company’s technology enables functional analysis of therapeutic target sequences and RNA-binding proteins on various RNAs, including non-coding RNA, and this opens to possibilities of the unknown field of non-coding RNA drug discovery.

KII growth support

Financing assistance, Business strategy support, To be appointed as director
